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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Modern Abstract Paintings

Had to get down and dirty and do some purely abstract art. Got a few in the works...but this one is finished and just listed on Ebay. As usual my pictures don't do it justice...but hey, I never claimed to be a photographer! It's full of yellows, reds, ochres, umbers...with hints of blue, black, and a mossy green. Really earthy! The colors will look richer when it's varnished. They always do. But I have a hard enough time getting half ass good pics without dealing with camera glare.


  1. Your art is wonderful!!! Nice to "meet" you. :)

  2. This is beautiful, LOVE the colors! You're right, it can be so hard to photograph paintings!

  3. WoW that is impressive! I just took a look at ebay on the wall examples very cool! I hope you land a fortune for it!!

  4. They are great, its always good to do something different:o)

  5. These are very pretty! I love the colors and I love the red and yellow mixture...

  6. Wonderful paintings!! Love the colours and the movement in them! :)



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