Abstract & Equine Paintings...Fantasy Sculpture & Art Dolls...Handmade & Steampunk Jewelry...Upcycled Clothing

Etsy Mini

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Halloween - Black Cat Jewelry Box

Click on the title to go directly to the auction listing!

This is the latest piece I've been working on. With any luck I will get it listed for sale tonight! It's a cute vintage jewelry box that plays music. I have painted it up with Halloweenish scenes done in a primitive / fold art style. Black cat, eerie trees, little houses and moons...I just love it!

It was quite fun to work on! When I list it on eBay I will include many more pictures. I will also include the acronym HA31...that's an artist group I belong to. You can search for it and other beautiful pieces by very talented artists using HA31 in you search. You can click my eBay links to go directly to my auctions.
Now off I go to finish cooking baked spaghetti for supper!



  1. Oh Karri this is stunning!!! I looove it!!! Great job. Wonderful colors too!!! Sarah

  2. Oh how adorable! Don't you just love painting on found items and turning them into little treasures? =o)




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